Friday Favourites
7:44 pm
Its finally friYAY and I thought I might introduce a new weekly segment on my blog, which i'm dubbing as "Friday Favourites." The plan is to end the week with some recommendations of my favourite literature/games/tv shows/movies, etc, under a certain category.
So, without further ado, this weeks theme is;
High Fantasy
I adore this series, one of my all time favourites. Great characters, fab world building and a prose I envy.
A Court of Thorns and Roses series
Rhysand. The world-building and magic elements are fab too, I guess...
The Grishaverse
Love this russian inspired world and will read anything else Bardugo writes about it.
I've just finished Truthwitch and the characters really make this book! The world building is a bit slow and chunky, but the plot and the magic aspect of the novel add intrigue and dynamic.

An Ember in the Ashes series
A surprising favourite of mine last year, strong characters and great world building plus an awesome plot = love
One of my childhood favourites, I don't really remember it but at the time I loved it so I'll always recommend.
(Turns out I only have YA/NA recs?)
Dishonored is amazing and will always hold a special place in my heart. Such a detailed lore, unique characters and a fab gaming experience. Also superpowers, assassins and a mysterious leviathan.
I've only played FFXV but oh gods it was incredible! By far one of my all-time favourite games. The characters are unique, well rounded and memorable, the world large and thick with hidden lore and adventure. The plot is fast paced, although i have my issues with it *cough* chapter 13 *cough* but overall it is not a game to be missed! And, best of all, you don't need to have played any other FF game to play it!
I kid you not, this game is awesome, quite gore-y and foul-tongued but awesome. Brings back so many childhood memories just thinking about it (Yeah, I played this as a 10yr old. Thanks mum for being a legend)
I kid you not, this game is awesome, quite gore-y and foul-tongued but awesome. Brings back so many childhood memories just thinking about it (Yeah, I played this as a 10yr old. Thanks mum for being a legend)
This series is simply awesome: Elves, magic, demons, badass female characters - it has the lot.
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones
Of course, but I really do love this series as awful and problematic as it is.
Howl's Moving Castle
I watched this at school one day and its been one of my all time favourites ever since, and not just because Howl is a drama queen.
The best anti-hero. They need to do more films like the second.
Okay, so it turns out, for how much I adore high fantasy, I don't really have that many recs..??? How??? It's so weird, and I feel as though I've forgotten a lot too.
Any thoughts?
Love, Natalia